Using Update rules

Applies to JungleDocs for Office 365.
For JungleDocs for SharePoint 2010-2019 tutorials, click here.

With Update rules, you can quickly change the metadata of multiple items or documents at once.

To create an Update rule


Before proceeding, we recommend installing the Modern UI add-in, as in the classic app the steps are slightly different.

1. Go to the library or list that you want to update. In the example, we want to update several columns of invoices.

2. Open JungleDocs for Office 365. On the Update tab, click Add new.

Note: you can also modify a default Update rule: click on the settings icon, then click Edit rule.

2. On the Automation tab, specify changes in column values that you want to see when the rule is applied. In the example, we want the Invoice Status column to change its value to Paid, and the Pay Term Column value to the formula Today.

3. Click Save or Save as global rule if you want to expand the rule's availability to other locations in your SharePoint.

To use the rule

1. Select an item or items that you want to update, and open JungleDocs for Office 365 from the ribbon.

2. Go to the Update tab and click on the Update rule.

Notice the changes in the Pay Term and Invoice Status column values for Contoso:

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