Text formatting

Applies to JungleDocs for Office 365.
For a similar tutorial for JungleDocs for SharePoint 2010-2019, click here.

You can use the following formulas in JungleDocs for Office 365 templates to help format text automatically.


SubString(text, startPosition), SubString(text; startPosition; length) – retrieves a substring from text . The substring starts at a specified character position and has a specified length. First character is at 0 position .

Example: SubString("abcde"; 1) Result: bcde
Example: SubString("abcde"; 2; 1) Result: c
Example: SubString(FirstName; 1; 1) Result: M

Lower(text) – converts text to lowercase.
Example: Lower("The Table") Result: the table

Upper(text) – converts text to uppercase.
Example: Upper("The Table") Result: THE TABLE

PadLeft(text; totalLength), PadLeft(text; totalLength; symbol) – right-aligns the characters in text , padding with spaces or symbol on the left for a specified total length.
Example: PadLeft("123"; 5; "0") Result: 00123

PadRight(text; length), PadRight(text; totalLength; symbol) – left-aligns the characters in text , padding with spaces or symbol on the right for a specified total length.
Example: PadRight("123"; 5; "0") Result: 12300

PlainText(text) – converts rich text to plain text, where text is any text value or text field.

Proper(text) - Capitalizes first letter of each word in the text.
Example: Proper("the table") Result: The Table


Text value in formulas should be surrounded by quotation marks and the column name should be used without them.

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