GetView function

Applies to JungleDocs for Office 365.
For a similar tutorial for JungleDocs for SharePoint 2010-2019, click here.

This article describes the formula syntax and usage of the GetView function in JungleDocs for Office 365.


Returns items from a SharePoint list view and allows you to use view sorting, grouping, and filtering.


GetView(listTitleOrUrl; viewTitleOrUrl; [additionalParameter; additionalParameterValue])

The GetView function syntax has the following arguments:

  • listTitleOrUrl   Required. A SharePoint list name. List URL is also supported to specify the list on another site.
  • viewTitleOrUrl   Required. A SharePoint list view name.
  • AdditionalParameter   Optional. A SharePoint column name (lookup columns, choice columns, and Boolean columns are also supported) or a date condition.
  • AdditionalParameterValue   Optional. The value of the additional parameter (text or number).


  • To use the GetView function, you need to create a repeated section.
  • Additional parameters are supported in JungleDocs 3.6 and later.
  • You can use an unlimited number of additional parameters in a formula.
  • Additional parameters work only as an equal condition and they are combined by and operators. For Boolean column, use 0 to filter No values, and 1 to filter Yes.


GetView("TestList"; "All Items"; "BooleanColumnName"; "1")

Returns items from the All Items view in the TestList, filtered by the Boolean column "Yes" value.

GetView("TestList"; "All Items"; "TestChoice"; "Category1")

Returns items from the All Items view in the TestList, filtered by the additional choice column value.

GetView("TestList"; "TestView"; "TestChoice"; "Category1"; "BooleanColumnName"; "0")

Returns items from the All Items view in the TestList, filtered by Boolean and choice column values.

GetView("TestList"; "All Items"; "ExpirationDate"; Today()

Returns items from the All Items view in the TestList, filtered by dynamic date.

GetView("TestList"; "All Items"; "ExpirationDate"; "01/10/2016")

Returns items from the All Items view in the TestList, filtered by static date.

GetView("TestList"; "FilteredDatesView")

Returns items from the TestList, filtered by dynamic view.

Using GetView in a template

1. To use the function, create a table, select one row and add a content control to it by selecting the Rich Text Content Control button in the Developer tab (to add the tab, select Word Options > Customize):

2. Click Properties, enter GetView(" listurl "; "view name")in the Tag and Title fields of the content control and click OK.


Microsoft Office 2010 has a 64 character limit for the tag field, while later versions do not have this limitation.

3. Now you need to add more content controls that will represent columns from this list. For example, if you need to create a report for a list of companies, and you want the table to contain company names, addresses, emails and logos of the companies, you'll need to add corresponding content controls inside of the GetView content control:


For plain text columns, insert plain text content control and in the Tag field enter the column name (we recommend to use internal names) of the Companies list. If you want to insert an image from a picture column, insert a picture content control.

4. Customize the table the way you want it to be, create more tables with their content controls linking to other lists, and you are ready to create reports from multiple lists.

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