Updating documents
Applies to JungleDocs for Office 365.
For JungleDocs for SharePoint 2010-2019 tutorials, click here.
What if some of your metadata changed? Instead of going through the document and manually changing the values, you can use JungleDocs for Office 365 to update your document content automatically according to the changes you made to the metadata.
Update via document options
1. Make the changes you want in the metadata of the selected document.
2. Right-click on the document and select Update Document Content.
Note: it is only possible to update one document at a time. If you select multiple documents, the Update Document Content option will not be available.
Update in Modern UI
1. Make the changes you want in the metadata of the selected document.
2. Select the document, then and open JungleDocs for Office 365 from the ribbon.
3. On the Update tab, select Update document content.
Note: you can update multiple documents at once using Modern UI.
One of our clients decided to increase their order, and, instead of two product copies, decided to order three. To reflect the changes in upcoming invoices, we first we need to update the Units column in the SharePoint library.
Then, we can either update the invoice itself via document options or in Modern UI following the steps described above.
The original invoice:
The updated invoice: